Monday, March 15, 2010


Crossed the 2,000 mile milestone for the year this past week! Go me! ;)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Down!

No, not football. This is a cycling blog, remember? ;)

I'm proud to say after todays ride, I've already crossed 1,000 miles for the year so far! Madness? Insanity? Obsession? All a definite possibility, I'll admit. Ok, so really with where I live, cycling is pretty much a year round sport. Most rides have started out in 40 degree weather or above, and on the colder days, the winter gloves and booties I purchased for the new year have really come in handy. Cycling is so much nicer when you can feel your hands and feet. Any way you slice it, its been a great start to my cycling season.

Profile from today's ride. 70 miles, roughly 6,000ft of vertical. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

7 days...

...into the new year and already sitting at about 200 miles ridden. booyah!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Out with the old...

That time of year again... since I started keeping track of my mileage 8 months ago, I've managed to rack up a grand total of 5,754 miles for 2009. That's quite a few, especially considering when my personal comeback to cycling started off with an "I'm not sure how long or how far I'll ride" attitude.

I'm happy with my cycling progress to date. Ok, so I'm not the fastest rider or the best climber in my club. I still feel I've accomplished a lot this past year. The main milestones for me have been my weight loss (50 pounds!), and riding a 200k solo brevet ride.

Here's looking forward to what I can do in 2010!